To calculate your gross profit margin percentage, whether on a single item or your whole company the process is the same, dividing your gross profit by your total revenue.
Some useful terms to understand which relate calculating your Gross Margin:
- Gross profit: the difference between cost of your goods (or services) and what you sold your sold them for (Revenue/Sales)
- i.e. Gross Profit = Revenue (Sales) – Cost of your Goods (or services) Sold.
- Revenue/Sales: All income coming from your Sales of goods or serives
- i.e. Quantity of Goods (services) Sold x Sales Price of Goods (services)
- Net profit: the difference between Gross profit and other business operating costs like electric, gas, tax, bank charges.
- i.e. Nett Profit = Gross Profit – Business Operating Costs
- Total Revenue (Sales) = £199.99
- Total Cost of Goods sold = £78.99
- Gross Profit: £199.99 – £78.99 = £121.00
- Gross Margin: £121.00 / £199.99 = 60.5%
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