Corona Virus (CoVID-19) (V1)

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Corona Virus (CoVID-19) (V1)

In relation to the Corona Virus which originated in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Datamining4u have assessed the possible risks and have adopted necessary mitigating measures for both the wellbeing of teams and customers, as well as ensuring ongoing support.

We feel it would be prudent to ensure that current Services and Support for Data Reporting and IT Projects are supported to alleviate potential problems. We will be supporting all normal services remotely, recording activities undertaken.

You are able contact the Support Team on either 01726 67977 or 07966 232167 during the normal working hours.

Due to the potential risks of staff infection and the potential knock-on effects, in addition to heavily restricting our own off-site customer visits for the foreseeable future, (unless absolutely necessary) we also have taken the decision to restrict access to our site from visitors, to approved appointments only.

Any person who displays signs of infection should be encouraged to go into of self-quarantine following current issued government guidelines and wherever possible operate remotely working from home. We will endeavor to ensure that this will not disrupt normal Services and Support.

Additional precautions are in place, we have introduced the use of hand sanitiser to use following all external contacts should hand washing facilities be unavailable. General guidance is to only use and handle own telephones, desks, computer keyboards and any other personal handled equipment wherever possible.

We continue to monitor the latest updates and information about the global COVID-19 outbreak, and will introduce additional measures as required to ensure we safeguard the health of our teams and customers, to preserve the ability to operate Remote Services and Support.

We will issue further updates as necessary and hope to be back to normal as soon as possible.

Kindest regards

Support Team @DM4U

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