Stay Click Aware

Stay Click Aware

• Stay click aware. COVID-19 Phishing and Social Media Scams

It is easy to forget security best practices when away from the office. The best strategy is to remain vigilant and skeptical of all unsolicited emails, text messages, social media chats, and attachments. When in doubt – don’t click.

In recent weeks the frequency of COVID-19 phishing and social media scams has increased. Hackers are using convincing emails and social media posts disguised

health authorities and government departments to prey on fears and unanswered questions about coronavirus.

Follow these tips for to stay protected from phishing, malware attacks and scams:

• If you don’t recognize the email sender, don’t open the email.

• Pay attention to the spelling of email addresses, subject lines, and email content.

• Be wary of emails that use urgent language and ask you to help out by transferring funds or sharing confidential information.

• Do not click on links from unsolicited emails.

• Never send confidential information in an email.

• When shopping online, always inspect the address bar and verify that the URL contains “https” or the lock icon.

• Do not accept social media followers or friends from accounts that you do not recognize. If an account that you do not trust follows or friends you, block the account.

If you’re at all uncertain about the validity of an email or other message, do not respond. If you receive a strange email – talk to the person and ask them about it.

Remember that security awareness best practices apply everywhere – in the office, at home, riding the bus, in the airport, at the coffee shop, and wherever you are connecting to the Internet

.Be safe, be healthy

Sourced from the Public Internet websites, including Government,  Microsoft

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